A pause on the pause

I’m sure it didn’t escape your notice Monday that President Trump issued a memo through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pausing federal agency grants and loans. This is only until they can confirm that none of the money is going to any commie boogiemen trying to help people because — and I believe this is direct a quote from the OMB Acting Director Matthew Vaeth — “ew.”

This sudden halt on a mere $3 trillion to nonprofits serving all areas of vulnerable people across the nation sent the women-majority nonprofit world into a tailspin. Eyerolled Trump, “See, this is why we don’t let you run anything,” as the panicking women ran to fetch our Trump Smelling Salts (TM), tagline: You Smelt It When I Dealt It.

By Tuesday afternoon, the OMB issued a “fact sheet” despite VP Vance’s protests that he was told there would be no facts in this administration. But, unbelievably, this sheet quelled no one’s ire, and a coalition of nonprofits successfully petitioned a federal judge to block the directive. For the moment.

All this to say, maybe it’s a good time to strategically diversify your funding sources. Email me.

UPDATE: The President rescinded his implicit threat to destroy all nonprofits in America that are not The Heritage Foundation or the NRA. Still, please consider not putting so many of your fundraising eggs in the federal government basket (of deplorables).